1. get the item_key, for workflow administrator
select * from hr_api_transactions
where item_key = '217855'
2. get the transaction_id and other details from query 1,
the transaction_id can be in pk5_value or pk1_value for the below query 2.
if not then query based on created_by, creation_date from query 1.
select fd.*, fl.*--,fad.*--fd.*,
from fnd_attached_documents fad
,fnd_documents fd
,fnd_lobs fl
,fnd_document_datatypes fdd
,fnd_document_categories_tl fdct
where fad.document_id = fd.document_id
and fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fd.datatype_id = fdd.datatype_id
and fd.category_id = fdct.category_id
and fdd.user_name = 'File'
--and fad.entity_name = 'XXASSET' -- replace with the entity_name you want to extract.
and fdct.language = 'US'
--and pk5_value = '217855'
and fad.creation_date like to_date('27-oct-2019')
and fad.created_by = 12345
and fd.creation_date like sysdate
select * from hr_api_transactions
where item_key = '217855'
2. get the transaction_id and other details from query 1,
the transaction_id can be in pk5_value or pk1_value for the below query 2.
if not then query based on created_by, creation_date from query 1.
select fd.*, fl.*--,fad.*--fd.*,
from fnd_attached_documents fad
,fnd_documents fd
,fnd_lobs fl
,fnd_document_datatypes fdd
,fnd_document_categories_tl fdct
where fad.document_id = fd.document_id
and fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fd.datatype_id = fdd.datatype_id
and fd.category_id = fdct.category_id
and fdd.user_name = 'File'
--and fad.entity_name = 'XXASSET' -- replace with the entity_name you want to extract.
and fdct.language = 'US'
--and pk5_value = '217855'
and fad.creation_date like to_date('27-oct-2019')
and fad.created_by = 12345
and fd.creation_date like sysdate