P_Assignment_ID Number := 22432;
P_Plan_ID Number := 61;
P_Payroll_ID Number:= 61;
P_Business_Group_ID Number := 81;
P_Assignment_Action_ID Number := -1;
P_Calculation_Date Date := TO_DATE('31-DEC-2019');
P_Accrual_Start_Date Date;-- default null
P_Accrual_Latest_Balance Number;-- default null
P_Calling_Point Varchar2(20):= 'FRM';
P_Start_Date Date;
P_End_Date Date;
P_Accrual_End_Date Date;
P_Accrual Number;
P_Net_Entitlement Number;
g_package varchar2(50) := ' per_accrual_calc_functions.';
l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'Get_Net_Accrual';
l_absence number := 0; --changed for bug 6914353
l_accrual number;
l_other number := 0; --changed for bug 6914353
l_carryover number;
l_start_date date;
l_end_date date;
l_accrual_end_date date;
l_defined_balance_id number;
l_atd date; --added for bug 6418568
cursor c_get_balance is
select defined_balance_id
from pay_accrual_plans
where accrual_plan_id = p_plan_id;
--added for bug 6418568
cursor c_get_atd is
select nvl(pps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/yyyy'))
from per_periods_of_service pps, per_all_assignments_f paaf
where paaf.person_id = pps.person_id
and paaf.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
and paaf.Assignment_ID = P_Assignment_ID
and P_Calculation_Date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date;
open c_get_balance;
fetch c_get_balance into l_defined_balance_id;
close c_get_balance;
if p_calling_point = 'BP' and
l_defined_balance_id is not null and
p_assignment_action_id <> -1 then
/* Procedure called from batch process, so
get latest balance. */
p_net_entitlement := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(
p_defined_balance_id => l_defined_balance_id
,p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id
per_accrual_calc_functions.get_accrual(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_calculation_date => p_calculation_date,
p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
p_payroll_id => p_payroll_id,
p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id,
p_accrual_start_date => p_accrual_start_date,
p_accrual_latest_balance => p_accrual_latest_balance,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_end_date => l_end_date,
p_accrual_end_date => l_accrual_end_date,
p_accrual => l_accrual);
--start changes for bug 6418568
open c_get_atd;
fetch c_get_atd into l_atd;
close c_get_atd;
if l_accrual_end_date is not null then
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
if l_atd >= P_Calculation_Date then
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
end if;
end if;
--end changes for bug 6418568
l_carryover :=0; -- 12880652
l_carryover := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_carry_over(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
-- 12880652
if P_Calculation_Date > l_atd and l_carryover <> 0 then
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date); -- added new 12880652
end if;
-- 12880652
-- Set up values in the return parameters.
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'l_accrual->'||l_accrual||'->l_absence->'||l_absence||'--l_other->'|| l_other ||'-CARRYOVER-'|| l_carryover);
p_net_entitlement := l_accrual - l_absence + l_other + l_carryover;
p_accrual := l_accrual;
p_start_date := l_start_date;
p_end_date := l_end_date;
p_accrual_end_date := l_accrual_end_date;
end if;
end ;
P_Assignment_ID Number := 22432;
P_Plan_ID Number := 61;
P_Payroll_ID Number:= 61;
P_Business_Group_ID Number := 81;
P_Assignment_Action_ID Number := -1;
P_Calculation_Date Date := TO_DATE('31-DEC-2019');
P_Accrual_Start_Date Date;-- default null
P_Accrual_Latest_Balance Number;-- default null
P_Calling_Point Varchar2(20):= 'FRM';
P_Start_Date Date;
P_End_Date Date;
P_Accrual_End_Date Date;
P_Accrual Number;
P_Net_Entitlement Number;
g_package varchar2(50) := ' per_accrual_calc_functions.';
l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'Get_Net_Accrual';
l_absence number := 0; --changed for bug 6914353
l_accrual number;
l_other number := 0; --changed for bug 6914353
l_carryover number;
l_start_date date;
l_end_date date;
l_accrual_end_date date;
l_defined_balance_id number;
l_atd date; --added for bug 6418568
cursor c_get_balance is
select defined_balance_id
from pay_accrual_plans
where accrual_plan_id = p_plan_id;
--added for bug 6418568
cursor c_get_atd is
select nvl(pps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/yyyy'))
from per_periods_of_service pps, per_all_assignments_f paaf
where paaf.person_id = pps.person_id
and paaf.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
and paaf.Assignment_ID = P_Assignment_ID
and P_Calculation_Date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date;
open c_get_balance;
fetch c_get_balance into l_defined_balance_id;
close c_get_balance;
if p_calling_point = 'BP' and
l_defined_balance_id is not null and
p_assignment_action_id <> -1 then
/* Procedure called from batch process, so
get latest balance. */
p_net_entitlement := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(
p_defined_balance_id => l_defined_balance_id
,p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id
per_accrual_calc_functions.get_accrual(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_calculation_date => p_calculation_date,
p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
p_payroll_id => p_payroll_id,
p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id,
p_accrual_start_date => p_accrual_start_date,
p_accrual_latest_balance => p_accrual_latest_balance,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_end_date => l_end_date,
p_accrual_end_date => l_accrual_end_date,
p_accrual => l_accrual);
--start changes for bug 6418568
open c_get_atd;
fetch c_get_atd into l_atd;
close c_get_atd;
if l_accrual_end_date is not null then
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
if l_atd >= P_Calculation_Date then
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
end if;
end if;
--end changes for bug 6418568
l_carryover :=0; -- 12880652
l_carryover := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_carry_over(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date);
-- 12880652
if P_Calculation_Date > l_atd and l_carryover <> 0 then
l_other := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_other_net_contribution(
p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date
l_absence := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_absence(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
p_start_date => l_start_date,
p_calculation_date => l_end_date); -- added new 12880652
end if;
-- 12880652
-- Set up values in the return parameters.
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'l_accrual->'||l_accrual||'->l_absence->'||l_absence||'--l_other->'|| l_other ||'-CARRYOVER-'|| l_carryover);
p_net_entitlement := l_accrual - l_absence + l_other + l_carryover;
p_accrual := l_accrual;
p_start_date := l_start_date;
p_end_date := l_end_date;
p_accrual_end_date := l_accrual_end_date;
end if;
end ;