Open your BI Publisher folder its 32 or 64 bit, check both if available.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config
C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config
Copy, paste and rename file xdo example.cfg as xdo.cfg in the same folder.
do below 2 modifications for xdo.cfg file .
1. Add/update property under <properties>
<property name="rtf-checkbox-glyph">Wingdings;254;168</property>
<!--254 for checked box, 168 unchecked empty, google it for Wingdings 254 253 168 -->
2. check the fonts path
by default it was c:/WINT… change it to ur pc correct ex: C:\Windows\Fonts\wingding.ttf
Enable Developer ribbon tab in Word.
Right click ribbon tab🡪 Customize 🡪 Enable the checkbox for Developer.
Insert checkbox from the Legacy Forms 🡪 Checkbox.
Add Condition in the checkbox as per your requirement ex:☐
It will work only on pdf as per oracle document.
Run the xml report output in pdf and check.
If condition true it will be checked, else empty.
Deploying to Server:
Check in the Word template also having same font 🡪 optional.
Under Administration 🡪 configuration
Text: Wingdings;0254;0168