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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Requirement: to hide delete icon in the Salary screen(OAF) of HRMS using SPEL in Oracle Apps R12

Requirement: to hide delete icon in the Salary screen(OAF) of HRMS.

  1. Creation Function ‘XX_HIRE_DATE_REAF_ONLY’ –Dummy function .
  2. Attach function to new menu ‘FUJ_HIDE_YN_SECURITY’ as type ‘Permission Set’.
  3. Create role and attach this function.
  4. Personalize the OAF page.

SSWA jsp function


Step 2:
Function: XX_HIRE_DATE_REAF_ONLY (created in step1)

Functional Administrator Resp> Create Grant>

I Want to allow all users from the UAE HRMS Responsibility.
Attach the Security Menu we created in step 2.

Next >Finish>

Personalization>open salary screen from Assignment>

Click Correct in the Salary oaf page.

Click Personalize “Salary changes”

Click the ‘edit’ icon .


Test with UAE HRMS Manager the delete option should show, and for other Responsibilties it should be hidden.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Queries Oracle R12 SSHR to check the status of transaction

 1. To get all the leaves applied by employee with item_keys.
 the same can be used for Valueset parameters.

          pat.NAME leave_name,
          NVL (information1, information3) date_start,
          NVL (information2, information4) date_end,
          information8 DURATION
          ,hrat.item_key, hrat.item_type
   FROM   pqh_ss_transaction_history hrat, pqh_ss_step_history hrst,PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_TYPES_TL pat
    WHERE hrat.transaction_history_id = hrst.transaction_history_id
    and pat.ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID = information5
    and selected_person_id = 26876 --pass the person_id here to get all the transactions for the employee
    order by NVL (information1, information3) desc
2. Details of Employee and Leave.

SELECT --hrat.transaction_history_id,
          employee_number, full_name,
          pat.NAME leave_name,
          NVL (information1, information3) date_start,
          NVL (information2, information4) date_end, --information5 leave_type,
          information8 DURATION, selected_person_id, hrat.item_key
     --FROM hr_api_transactions hrat, hr_api_transaction_steps hrats
   FROM   pqh_ss_transaction_history hrat
   ,pqh_ss_step_history hrst
   ,per_all_people_f papf
   ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
   ,hr_all_organization_units haou
    WHERE hrat.transaction_history_id = hrst.transaction_history_id
    and hrat.item_key = '14791'--from step 1
    and hrat.ITEM_TYPE = :p_item_type and hrat.ITEM_KEY = :p_item_key
    and pat.ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID = information5
    and papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    and papf.person_id = selected_person_id
    and fnd_conc_date.string_to_date(NVL (information1, information3)) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
    and fnd_conc_date.string_to_date(NVL (information1, information3)) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
    and primary_flag = 'Y'
    and haou.organization_id = paaf.organization_id

3. Status of workflow
p_item_type, p_item_key from step 1

SELECT rownum l_sequence ,a.l_notification_id ,a.l_role role ,a.l_action action ,a.l_comments ,to_char(a.l_date,'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss am')  l_date FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT wn.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname
 (nvl (wn.more_info_role ,wn.recipient_role)) l_role ,
 decode (l.lookup_code ,'SFL' ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,'PENDING')) ,
 decode (wn.status ,'CANCELED' ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,'BEATEN')) ,l.meaning)) l_action ,
 na.text_value l_comments ,ias.end_date l_date FROM wf_activities a ,wf_notification_attributes na ,wf_process_activities pa ,wf_items i
 ,wf_item_activity_statuses ias ,wf_lookups_tl l ,wf_user_roles wur ,wf_notifications wn
 WHERE i.item_type = :p_item_type AND i.item_key = :p_item_key AND ias.item_type = i.item_type AND ias.item_key = i.item_key
 AND ias.notification_id IS NOT NULL AND wn.notification_id = na.notification_id (+) AND (+) = 'WF_NOTE'
 AND nvl (ias.activity_result_code ,'A') NOT IN ('SFL','RESUBMIT') AND ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
 AND pa.activity_name = AND pa.activity_item_type = a.item_type AND a.result_type NOT IN ('*','HR_DONE')
 AND i.begin_date BETWEEN a.begin_date AND nvl (a.end_date ,i.begin_date) AND a.result_type = l.lookup_type
 AND nvl (ias.activity_result_code ,'SFL') = l.lookup_code AND l.language = userenv('LANG')
 AND ias.assigned_user = wur.role_name AND ias.notification_id = wn.group_id
 SELECT pah.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (pah.user_name) l_role
 ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,pah.action)) l_action ,pah.user_comment l_comments
 ,pah.last_update_date l_date FROM pqh_ss_approval_history pah WHERE pah.transaction_item_type = :p_item_type
 AND pah.transaction_item_key = :p_item_key AND pah.action NOT IN ('APPROVED','REJECTED','SUBMIT' ,'RFC','RESUBMIT','TIMEOUT','QUESTION','ANSWER')
 SELECT DISTINCT wn.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (wn.recipient_role) l_role
 ,decode (l.lookup_code ,'SFL' ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,'PENDING'))
 ,decode (wn.status ,'CANCELED' ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,'BEATEN')) ,l.meaning)) l_action
 ,decode (wn.status ,'CANCELED' ,NULL ,nvl (na.text_value ,
 ( SELECT user_comment FROM wf_comments WHERE notification_id = wn.notification_id AND action = l.lookup_code AND rownum = 1 ))) l_comments
 ,nvl (ias.end_date ,ias.begin_date) l_date FROM wf_activities a ,wf_notification_attributes na ,wf_process_activities pa ,wf_items i
 ,wf_item_activity_statuses_h ias ,wf_lookups_tl l ,wf_user_roles wur ,wf_notifications wn
 WHERE i.item_type = :p_item_type AND i.item_key = :p_item_key AND ias.item_type = i.item_type AND ias.item_key = i.item_key
 AND ias.notification_id IS NOT NULL AND wn.notification_id = na.notification_id (+) AND (+) = 'WF_NOTE'
 AND nvl (ias.activity_result_code ,'A') NOT IN ('SFL','RESUBMIT') AND ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
 AND pa.activity_name = AND pa.activity_item_type = a.item_type AND a.result_type NOT IN ('*','HR_DONE')
 AND i.begin_date BETWEEN a.begin_date AND nvl (a.end_date ,i.begin_date) AND a.result_type = l.lookup_type
 AND nvl (ias.activity_result_code ,'SFL') = l.lookup_code AND l.language = userenv('LANG')
 AND ias.assigned_user = wur.role_name AND ias.notification_id = wn.group_id
 SELECT wn.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (nvl (wn.more_info_role ,wn.recipient_role)) l_role
 ,decode (wn.status ,'CANCELED' ,decode (pah.action ,'TIMEOUT' ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,pah.action))
 ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,'BEATEN'))) ,(hr_general.decode_lookup ('PQH_SS_APPROVAL_STATUS' ,pah.action))) l_action
 ,decode (pah.notification_id ,wn.notification_id ,pah.user_comment ,NULL) l_comments ,pah.last_update_date l_date
 FROM pqh_ss_approval_history pah ,wf_notifications wn
 WHERE pah.transaction_item_type = :p_item_type AND pah.transaction_item_key = :p_item_key
 AND pah.action IN ('TIMEOUT','RESUBMIT') AND wn.group_id = ( SELECT group_id FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = pah.notification_id
 AND rownum = 1 )
 UNION select wn.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (C.FROM_ROLE) l_role
 ,C.ACTION l_action ,C.USER_COMMENT l_comments -- ,nvl (ias.end_date,ias.begin_date) l_date
 ,c.comment_date l_date from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_COMMENTS C, wf_notifications wn
 where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = :p_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = :p_item_key and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = wn.group_id
 and wn.notification_id = c.notification_id and C.ACTION in('QUESTION', 'ANSWER')
 UNION select wn.notification_id l_notification_id ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (C.FROM_ROLE) l_role -- ,WF_CORE.TRANSLATE(C.ACTION) l_action
 ,C.ACTION l_action ,C.USER_COMMENT l_comments -- ,nvl (ias.end_date,ias.begin_date) l_date
 ,c.comment_date l_date from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_COMMENTS C, wf_notifications wn
 where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = :p_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = :p_item_key and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = wn.group_id and wn.notification_id = c.notification_id
 UNION SELECT 0 ,wf_directory.getroledisplayname (owner_role) l_role ,wf_core.translate ('SUBMIT')
 ,appr.text_value note ,begin_date l_date
 FROM wf_items i ,wf_item_attribute_values appr
 WHERE i.item_type = :p_item_type AND i.item_key = :p_item_key AND i.item_type = appr.item_type (+) AND i.item_key = appr.item_key (+)
 AND (+) = 'SUBMIT_COMMENTS' ORDER BY l_notification_id ,l_date ) a